Food Trends Top 6 Pizza Places in Chennai
Top 6 Pizza Places in Chennai
Top 6 Pizza Places in Chennai | EazyDiner Food Trends

Top 6 Pizza Places in Chennai

The Real Comfort Food

04 Sep, 2016 by Amit Patnaik

The Real Comfort Food

After a brief history lesson on the evolution of Pizza through the ages in our last Eazytrend, it is time for a practical class. Well, almost. Here are the six great spots in Chennai for you to adjudge the test of the Pizza, which lies in the eating ofcourse!

Tuscana Pizzeria, branches all over the city

Chennai’s first gourmet Pizza Chain,Tuscana was born out a partnership between city-legend Chef ‘Wili’ Williamson and restaurateur Vipin Sachdev. Firmly focussed on thin crust, wood-fired oven pies, Tuscana stands out for offering a variety of crusts, ranging from regular, whole wheat and multigrain to even gluten-free.

Bella Ciao, Kottivakam Beach

A languid beachside garden restaurant run by an Italian family, Bella Ciao has an inimitable Italian charm. The massive wood-fired oven in the garden was perhaps the first in the city, and still dishes out some fantastic Pizzas.

Focaccia, Hyatt Regency

Focaccia is the go-to spot for Chennaites craving a hearty and authentic Italian meal in the city. Manned by Italian chefs from Hyatt kitchens across the world, Focaccia delivers consistently satisfying Pizzas. Sample unlimited slices of some really good Pizza amongst other things on their Grand Sunday Brunches.

The Farm, OMR

They milk their own cows, curdle their own Bufala di Mozzarella, grow their own vegetables and even chop their own firewood. This is quite literally from the Farm to Pizza. High quality, super fresh ingredients make for a darn good Pizza.

Eatzaa, Nungambakkam

This is for Pizza gluttons on a budget. Eatzaa offers, the only one of it’s kind in the city, Pizza Buffet where you get unlimited servings of 

Pizza, Soup, Salad, Garlic Bread and Dessert for a price less than that of Dominoes 10 incher!

Explore more of the Top restaurants in Chennai with EazyDiner 

Written By

A self proclaimed food geek and coffee nerd, Amit Patnaik enjoys his time in the kitchen as much as he loves dining out. He runs the food blog Pursuit of Yummyness and contributes to The Hindu in Chennai.

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